Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I am back!

I apologize for the long silence.... 2010 was a very busy and hectic year and I was hoping that 2011 would be different, slower paced with more time out of the shop. Well so far it has not been the case!
Between the Shot Show, a sniper tactical match, the East Coast Custom Knife Show and a trip to Germany/France for the IWA Show; I have had barely enough time to unpack my bags. Besides revamping my whole set-up and patterns on the pantograph and proofing it with a nice series of Bolster-Locks, making knives for the custom show and a series of all titanium pens, I don't have much else to show for the first quarter of the year.

This is about to change though because I am home and working on a variety of projects: I will be making a series of prototypes for a new Hogue folder, I will participate in the annual Custom Knives and Guns Forum Build-Off and I will be making cool knives for the Blade Show! I am also hoping to be able to write more on this blog and share some of my experiences training in Southeast Asia for a month last November.... more to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Welcome back! I thought you forgot how to spell BLOG!!!
